Chimney Cleaning Milwaukee done the right way! Call Clean Sweep Chimney Service.
Focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
We have a variety of offerings to choose from including Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Relining, Chimney Repair and Fireplace Services. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at 414-483-9996
Chimney Cleaning
Chimney Sweep Services, Chimney safety inspection, Chimney creosote removal, Fireplace chimney cleaning, Furnace chimney cleaning, Wood stove chimney cleaning, Smoke and odor elimination, and Animal removal.
Chimney Repair
Residential and commercial service
Chimney safety inspections
Chimney brick replacement
Chimney tuckpointing
Chimney rebuilding
Chimney waterproofing
New chimney flashing
Flue replacement
Flue tile replacement
Chimney cap installation
Fireplace firebox repair
Fireplace removal
Fireplace installation
Fireplace insert installation
Top-mount chimney damper installation
Elimination of smoke and odor problems